Sunday, June 28, 2009

3. Coping to College

My first week in college is not that bad. But still, I have no new friends. I'm still on the adjusting stage. I'm making an observation to my new surroundings. Not to fit in, but to just go with the flow. Because I know that college is way different in high school.

As I meet my professors, I'm getting really nervous. First is Engr. Henry Paz, my professor on DRAW021. At first, I find him scary. But as he speaks to us, I find him as a new friend, a supporter, and a mentor. Second is Ma'am Jean Gargasin, my professor on SS016. Really, I hate History, but I'm starting to like it because of her. She just keeps on teaching until we got it. She encourages us to study more. Third is Ma'am Grace Abdon, my professor on MATH011. I really love math so I didn't find anything to hate her or something. I love the way she taught us because she said to us "kakampi ninyo ako..". It really helped me to boost my studies. Because I really thought that college is "BAHALA NA KAYO SA SARILI NIYO". I was wrong. Fourth is Ma'am Remilyn Mondez, my professor on VE011. I really find her fun to be with. I learned to interact more with my classmates. Fifth is Ma'am Rowena Dela Cruz, my professor on HUM011. The subject I'm hating. (ha ha) But, Ma'am DC makes it fun. She always said even if we fail, still, "LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!". It's true. REALLY! =) Sixth is Prof.Leonnel De Mesa, my IT001 professor. Hm, I find him really willing to teach us. I'm speechless to him. (ha ha) Seventh is Ma'am Rovilla Sudaprasert, my professor on ENG011. The "nosebleed" part of my courses. But she is really kind to us. And lastly, Prof. Mendelson Cabalig, my professor on PE021. The intriguing one! (ha ha) He's really funny and frank. That's what I love about him. And above all my professors, all of them are my mentors. =)

My blockmates are so funny. They are acting like a highschool. But still, I love them. The strength of my blockmates is friendship. Because without it, it would be like chaos in our room. The weakness of my blockmates is groupings and some are not studying.

My courses are all challenging. It changes me to study more, party later. Sometimes it's easy then suddenly it's like a BOOM! It becames hard.

The adjustment I'm going through is my schedule. It's really hard to study late at night because I got home around 7 p.m. Sometimes, I miss some church activities because of it. But now, I'm getting through it(I think). Also, I'm adjusting to my environment. Of course, I'm a freshmen so I really don't know anything how things work in college, but I know I can pass throgh it. =)

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