Thursday, August 20, 2009


One negative peer pressure I have experience is that I my group mates gave me all the work. I was really tired and I don’t know what I should do with it. Even, I don’t know where to start. I was really onto my nerves because it should be presented the next day and I was just working on it the night before the day of the presentation.
The next day, my mood was really affected that day because I felt like I am going to explode with the anger I felt with my group mates. It was the worst! I felt really bad because I felt that I cannot handle pressure that well that led to the point my mood was really ruined.
I learned from this experience to handle things lightly and stop thinking that the world will came crashing upon you. (Ha ha)


A responsible man is a person who knows his duties even he is not told to do so. He do things right and also with effort.
My responsibilities at home are just to clean my room and take good care of our dogs. Also, I have to do the thing my parents told me or ask me to do. In my school, I have to study and know my duties as a student. I also have to follow the rules and regulations in my school. And lastly, in my community. I have to be a good example among the youth and I also have to follow my community rules. I should also be a good influence in my community.

8. TRUTH or LIE?

I chose the challenge to tell the truth. It’s not really that hard for me because I am a very straightforward and frank person. I say what is on my mind and what I feel on that thing or person.
I’m able to do this challenge because the truth shall remain and it will be still known even if you lie. And also, the guilt will be there if you keep on telling lies. I felt good about it because I don’t have to hide something to someone.


As I review my health assessment, I see that I have weakness especially the way I treat my body. I don’t get that much of sleep and worse of that, I’m a smoker and I love to drink. Even I know the effects of it. (IT IS SO HARD TO GET RID OF! HAHA)
I realized that I have to balance everything. I should stop sleeping late at night and exercise in the morning to strengthen my body. I also need to get rid of drinking and smoking. I CAN really do that. =)
So now, I just have to adjust and make things balance for me and my body.

6. Score!!=)

The challenge I took is to get a high score on a long exam. To be exact, it is in Humanities011. The subject I’m weak at. (Ha ha) I think I was able to beat the challenge because I have a very satisfying grade and I know that I really passed through it. I felt happy because I know that I can really beat those challenges and I know that I can pass my course.
I learned from this challenge that you better work hard. And like sir Paz said to us, “NEVER DENY YOURSELF OF BECOMING SUCCESSFUL SOMEDAY” (I kind of revised It. ha-ha)

Friday, August 7, 2009


The greatest thing that I have ever accomplish is that I graduated from highschool. Those times are the best. I get to grow with my friends and be mature all along. Those years that I have spent at school, I guess it's an accomplishment. Why? Because for so long, I have survived every lesson and challenges that came through me.

Me and also my parents are proud of it because I have finished one step of my life to become a more successful one. =)